New Dying Light Screenshots Emerge

Avid zombie slayers and post-apocalyptic aficionados alike didn’t have to wait long for Techland to deliver some more valuable information pertaining to the new first-person action, survival horror IP, Dying Light, as more never-before-seen screenshots were revealed during Gamescom 2013. The newly released screenshots highlight Dying Light’s focus on parkour-style free-running (with one particular image revealing the ability to slide-kick) and Dead Island-inspired close-quarters combat, while also showcasing a new grotesque behemoth that’s sure to intimidate even the most fearless of gamers.

Judging by both past information and the brand-new screenshots taken from Gamescom 2013, Dying Light seems eager to inject some new concepts into the noticeably stagnant zombie-based formula by establishing an underlying structure that focuses on a combination of acrobatic, first-person free-running and brutal melee-based combat. While it’s still too early to tell if this blend of mechanics will fit organically into both the game’s story and gameplay, Dying Light’s relatively unique approach could be ambitious enough to out-due Techland’s past attempts at creating an intriguing, undead-centric franchise.

Dying Light will be releasing next year on multiple platforms including PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

1 comment

  1. gameguyz

    What’s the Difference between The Elder Scrolls Online and Skyrim?

    We all know that The Elder Scrolls Online is an MMO extension of Skyrim’s first-person template. Recently, Zenimax Online Studios general manger Matt Firor talked about the two games.

    There seems to be a bubbling concern that The Elder Scrolls Online knifes its parent series in the back and abandons the key elements that made it such a runaway success. I’ve seen a wide range of complaints from gamers so far that cover everything from ‘the palette is too bright’ to ‘I just want Skyrim with co-op’.


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