EA’s E3 Press Conference Recap

EA’s E3 Press Conference Recap


EA showed a lot of great games but stumbled at times, spending valuable time on mobile games and sports stories (even if they are from legends). Stars Wars Battlefront, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst and Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 headlined while the usual NHL, Madden and FIFA had a showing. Here is a complete recap of EA’s E3 press conference.

Mass Effect Andromeda 

Bioware got to officially reveal the next Mass Effect, sub-titled Andromeda. A small clip showed a spectre shooting up some baddies, the usual Mass Effect good stuff.

Need for Speed

The newest entry in the racing staple, Need for Speed looks to combine all the best parts of the Need for Speeds of old. Customization is back in a big way, with a new, fast and simple way to customize the cars. The map of Ventura Bay is promised to be twice as big as Need for Speed Rivals, the narrative, open world has players racing to be the next big icon of the streets. Need for Speed launches November 3 2015.

Star Wars the Old Republic

SWTOR is getting the Bioware treatment, a new expansion titled Knights of the Fallen Empire. The expansion lets players jump in at level 60 if they wish and will be free to all subscribers, launching October 27 2015.


A small indie game, Unravel is an emotional 2D platformer. Players take control of Yarnie, a small creature made entirely of yarn as they traverse a familiar world from a different perspective.

Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2

The sequel to the quirky shooter comes with 6 new classes, a 4 player co-op horde mode-like game mode called Graveyard Ops. Players take control of zombies as they defend their base from invading plants. Some of the new classes revealed are the Imp, the smallest and fastest zombie with a jetpack, SuperBrainz, a melee class and Captain DreadBeard, the first sniper class. Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 will feature solo game modes that can also played splitscreen. Garden Warfare 2 will launch Spring 2016.

EA Sports

NHL 16 will launch the new EA Sports Hockey League, a new way to play online. Rory Mcleroy PGA Golf will have fantasy courses (cliffs and canyons), launching July 14 2015. NBA Live 16 will feature face scanning software, players can download the free app to scan their face and implement it into the game. FIFA 16 will feature women’s teams for the first time as well as new defensive features and animations. Madden 16 launches Draft Champions, a new way to easily draft players and craft teams from different players.

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes

A mobile card game. Galaxy Heroes will feature characters from both trilogies and television series.

Minion’s Paradise

A mobile, build your own community game. Minion’s Paradise features the lovable minions from the Despicable Me movies. Will launch later this year.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst


More than fan service

Officially subtitled Catalyst, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst tells the origin of the titular heroine while maintaining the cult classic tropes. Mirror’s Edge Catalyst will feature time trials, races and missions all in an open world void of levels and loading screens. Mirror’s Edge Catalyst launches February 23 2016.

Star Wars Battlefront


EA saved it’s best for last, showing 5 or so minutes of gameplay pulled right out of Star Wars Battlefront. The clip showed the classic Battle of Hoth, complete with X-Wings and Imperial Walkers. The footage shows both sides of the rebels and the empire, flying Tai Fighters and X-Wings. Rebels fought to defend key points scattered around the map, while the Empire attempted to destroy them. Ultimately, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker appear on the battlefield, swatting enemies away and clashing light sabers. Additionally, EA announced game modes can vary from 40 players to smaller 8 player battles. Star Wars Battlefront will launch November 15 2015.

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